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CliStrings dataclass โ˜

A model for the strings used by the Botstrap-provided CLI.

The fields of this class are strings, Template strings, and tuples of strings. Collectively, they determine the text that is displayed in the console when you run a script that utilizes Botstrap.

Preconfigured strings are provided by the default() and compact() class methods. If you desire further customization, you can create a new instance of this class and specify any values you'd like to change. All constructor arguments correspond to field names and are keyword-only.

Info - Field name prefixes

Each field name begins with a single-letter prefix that indicates the subject of the string, defined as follows:

Prefix Description
t_ Token-related strings regarding bot token creation/management/deletion.
p_ Password-related strings, displayed for password-protected bot tokens.
h_ Help strings, printed when the -h argument is given to the bot script.
m_ Miscellaneous strings that don't fall under any of the other categories.

These prefixes allow for better code organization and are a concise way to indicate the context in which a string should be used. More prefixes may be added as Botstrap grows and acquires new features. ๐Ÿคน

Example - Customizing the Discord login text
from botstrap import Botstrap, CliStrings
from string import Template

bot_strings = CliStrings(
    m_login=Template("Logging in with '$token' bot token."),
    m_login_success=Template("$bot_id reporting for duty in $token mode!"),
Console Session
$ python Logging in with 'default' bot token. BotstrapBot#1234 reporting for duty in default mode!

Note: The strings customized in this example belong to the fields named m_login and m_login_success.
See the info box above for an explanation of m_ and other prefixes used in the naming of this class's fields.

default() -> CliStrings classmethod โ˜

Returns an instance of this class with default values for all strings.

The default strings are all in English and include ample vertical spacing (e.g. additional newlines between distinct sections of text) for ease of reading.

Note - All default string values

This class defines a lot of fields. To keep things organized, they're divided into the following groups:

  1. Basic str values (a.k.a. string literals)
  2. Template strings with only a ${token} placeholder
  3. Template strings with assorted placeholders
  4. tuple objects containing any number of strings
Group Name Type Default Value
Will be added dynamically.
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
#   Section #1  -  Basic `str` values (a.k.a. string literals)
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

h_help: str = "Display this help message."
h_tokens: str = "View/manage your saved Discord bot tokens."
h_version: str = "Display the current bot version."

m_affirm_cue: str = "If so, type"
m_conj_and: str = "and"
m_conj_or: str = "or"
m_exit_by_choice: str = "\nReceived a non-affirmative response."
m_exit_by_interrupt: str = "\n\nReceived a keyboard interrupt."
m_exiting: str = "Exiting process.\n"
m_list_sep: str = ", "
m_login_failure: str = (
    "Failed to log in. Make sure your bot token is configured properly."
m_prefix_error: str = "error:"

p_confirm_cue: str = "\nPlease re-enter the same password again to confirm."
p_confirm_hint: str = "\nThat password doesn't match your original password."
p_confirm_retry: str = "Would you like to try again?"
p_create_retry: str = "Would you like to try a different one?"
p_mismatch: str = (
    "Please make sure you have the correct password, then try again.\n"
p_prompt: str = "PASSWORD"

t_create_cue: str = (
    "\nPlease enter your bot token now. It'll be invisible for security reasons."
t_create_hint: str = (
    "\nThat doesn't seem like a valid bot token. It should look like this:"
t_create_mismatch: str = (
    "\nPlease make sure you have the correct token, then try again."
t_create_success: str = "\nYour token has been successfully encrypted and saved."
t_create_use: str = "\nDo you want to use this token to run your bot now?"
t_delete: str = "\nWould you like to permanently delete any of these tokens?"
t_delete_cue: str = "Please enter the number next to the token you want to delete:"
t_delete_mismatch: str = "\nThat number doesn't match any of the above tokens."
t_delete_retry: str = "\nWould you like to try again?"
t_delete_success: str = "\nToken successfully deleted."
t_manage_list: str = "You currently have the following bot tokens saved:"
t_manage_none: str = "You currently don't have any saved bot tokens.\n"
t_prompt: str = "BOT TOKEN"

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
#   Section #2  -  `Template` strings with only a `${token}` placeholder
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

h_desc_mode: Template = Template("in ${token} mode")

m_login: Template = Template("${token}: Attempting to log in to Discord...")

p_create_cue: Template = Template(
    "\nPlease enter a password for your ${token} bot token."
p_create_info: Template = Template(
    "\nTo keep your bot token extra safe, it must be encrypted with a password."
    "\nThis password won't be stored anywhere. It will only be used as a key to"
    "\ndecrypt your token every time you run your bot in ${token} mode."
p_cue: Template = Template(
    "Please enter the password to decrypt your ${token} bot token."

t_create: Template = Template(
    "You currently don't have a saved ${token} bot token."
    "\nWould you like to add one now?"
t_mismatch: Template = Template(
    "Decrypted keyfile data for ${token} doesn't look like a bot token.\n"
t_missing: Template = Template("Keyfile for ${token} bot token doesn't exist.\n")

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
#   Section #3  -  `Template` strings with assorted placeholders
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

h_desc: Template = Template(
    'Run "${program_command}" with no parameters to start the bot${mode_addendum}.'
h_token_id: Template = Template(
    "The ID of the token to use to run the bot.\nValid options are ${token_ids}."

m_login_success: Template = Template(
    '${token}: Successfully logged in as "${bot_id}".\n'
m_prefix: Template = Template("\n${program_name}:")

p_create_hint: Template = Template(
    "\nYour password must be at least ${min_length} characters long."

t_delete_hint: Template = Template("(Expected ${token_nums}.)")

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
#   Section #4  -  `tuple` objects containing any number of strings
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

m_affirm_responses: tuple[str, ...] = ("yes", "y")

compact() -> CliStrings classmethod โ˜

Returns an instance of this class with minimal vertical space in all strings.

In other words, the semantic contents of all strings are unchanged from their default() values, but any newline characters are either removed (for newlines at the beginning and end of a string) or replaced by a single space (for newlines in the middle of a string).